Amongst all of my favourite Woody Allen movies (Annie Hall, Midnight in Paris, Everyone Says I Love You, Anything Else and Vicky Cristina Barcelona), this one is definitely my favourite. The overly-whimsical storyline is enough to make me fall in love with it, but then the ending happens and couldn’t be any more perfect. Obviously I won't give away what happens, but if you've ever given a guff about any of this man's movies, this is the only one you ever need to see.
As Real As You And Me - Rihanna
My niece Layla was watching Home on DVD in my parent's living room and I heard this song from the other room, came in to watch the scene with this song playing, watched for a few minutes, cried, then left to go lay down for a minute. Does that make me seem like a maniac? 'Cause it happened just that way.
This song is real as fuck. Gotta remember to watch that whole movie in full.
The Final Scene in Crocodile Dundee
Honestly, this movie really holds up over time. But this scene especially? Man. I looooove it.
I Am Chris Farley
I know that my opinions on Chris Farley wane in comparison to my friend Adele's, but even still - this looks like it's gonna be really good. Comes out in theatres July 31st.
The Importance of Cinema Etiquette
“When Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’ premiered on Broadway, a sign hung over the cinema entrance that read, “No one... BUT NO ONE… will be admitted to the theatre after the start of each performance of Psycho.” According to Hitchcock, this was for the audience’s own good. But it was also part of a beautifully orchestrated marketing campaign that created excitement for the movie by driving home the importance of seeing it from the very beginning.”
Before Psycho hit theatres, apparently it was common culture to just waltz into a movie screening at any old time. As maddening as that is, this type of behaviour became less and less popular after Psycho's release and it suddenly became important to see the beginning, middle and end of a movie. Isn't it strange that it was ever acceptable to miss the beginning of a movie?
Keeping that in mind, why the hell do we allow late-comers into movies in this day and age? If a movie has begun, those doors should be locked at far as I'm concerned. Or at the very least, get some pimple-faced kid who works there to man the door and refuse entrance to anyone who shows up past the publicly displayed showtime.
I hate when I need to shuffle my coat and purse around on the grimy floor, just because some late loser needs to shimmy on by me to sit down. That's bullshit.
Why is lateness not more penalized in our society? It's weird that it's not. We shouldn't be as casual about it as we are because it's a sickness. And if we continue to just look the other way, it's only going to get worse.
There's really so little you need to do in order to be a basic, decent human in a movie theatre.
- Show up early.
- Shut the fuck up.
- Shove your phone up your own ass if you can't go for less than two hours without looking at it.
The three S's! Pretty simple stuff. And honestly, I really just think it comes down to having manners. Where the hell did the importance of having good manners go over the past few decades?
Best Part From Jurassic World
Away We Go
Listen to this summary.
“As they await the birth of their baby, a couple (John Krasinski, Maya Rudolph) travel across America in search of the perfect place to raise their family. During their journey, they share assorted misadventures and reconnect with old friends and relatives. The experiences and people they encounter help them define the word home on their own terms, possibly for the first time in their lives.”
It's such an original idea and so well executed. You have to see it if you haven't already. WHY DOESN'T MAYA RUDOLPH DO MORE MOVIES? Who do I call to inquire about that?
Sidenote: Happy 92nd Birthday, Dad! You're the greatest man in my life and I'll never know how I got lucky enough to be your daughter. Not only do I love you, I *everything* you.
The Count of Monte Cristo
Only two questions for you.
- Do you know the story of The Count of Monte Cristo?
- Have you seen the 2002 film version?
If you know the story already, you may still enjoy the movie, I'm not completely sure. But if you haven't heard the story or seen the movie - YOU NEED TO WATCH THE 2002 VERSION IMMEDIATELY!
I purposely didn't include the trailer since, well, it doesn't do it justice. I saw this movie in theatres with my brother Robbie when it came out and we had zero expectations of it. The only reason we'd agreed to watch it was because we'd seen everything else that was playing (I know, we went to the movies a lot). Usually I loathe all time period films (with the sole exceptions of the Back To The Future movies - can I label those time period pieces?), but thankfully I looked past that detail for this movie.
This movie is fantastic. Every time it's on television, I'll force whomever I'm sitting with to stay and watch it with me. AND I OWN IT! That's saying something, isn't it? God, it's good. Especially if you don't know the story.
“Reality only distracts and degrades us.”
When She Loved Me
I think I have a gift for searching (and finding) the saddest songs on the planet. The next time you're in a real deep, dark mood - send me a text and I'll let you know exactly what you should listen to on repeat.
(Even out of context, this song is so sad - but IN CONTEXT? In that scene in Toy Story 2? Get out of here, that's like the-first-fifteen-minutes-of-Up kind of sad.)