This toy company makes custom plush-toy replicas of pets from photos sent in by their clients. Ummm, this is one of the greatest ideas I've heard in awhile. The only downside is the price - I'm not sure why they're $249 per pet, but I'm assuming that a lot of work goes into each one.
Turtle Doves Ornaments
If you know someone who's overly into Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (who isn't?), this is probably the best gift you could give them. I got them for Nathan a few years ago and they make a yearly appearance now on our Christmas tree. I'm pretty sure there are a few places online you can buy them, but the easiest would probably be on Amazon for $20 for the the pair.
Stocking Stuffer of the Day
Ignoring the fact that The Spatty could use a slightly more professionally-done video, this would be a perfect small gift to give any makeup-loving friend of yours. The set of two is available for $11 on their site and at select Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond stores.
Stocking Stuffer of the Day
This is probably the cutest small gift (or stocking stuffer) that you could get someone who cooks a lot. Available at Crate & Barrel for $4.95.
LED Stick-On Battery Lights
We just got these small stick-on lights to put in the darker spots of our kitchen - and whoa. They make all the difference in the world. It's insane. We should've gotten them MONTHS ago.
If you're got any areas that need a little more light (ie. closets, spice cabinets, etc.), these are so, so perfect for any small space.
Best Morning Ever Mug
Designer Tom Medwin has created what he calls the "Best Morning Ever Mug," which has been designed to keep your coffee or tea warmer for a longer amount of time after you pour it, as well as provide a surface that acts as a doughnut warmer. $15 gets you one if they reach their Kickstarter goal (which they totally have already).
Heattech Clothing at Uniqlo
Nathan got me that Heattech outfit (shown above) last year and, quite honestly, it saved my life. We live in a basement that used to not have any heating (I know, that's a sad story, but we have heat now!) and I wore this set almost exclusively for four months. If that sounds like a joke, I apologize. It was a reality that we had to get comfortable with - and wearing this outfit made that winter bearable. It's such a warm outfit that they sort of remind me of stylish long johns. I think you can wear them underneath your regular clothing too since they're so slim-fitting. And if you're a fan of being warm, but not bulky-warm - then these are the perfect at-home clothes that you need to buy immediately for winter. They have mens sizes as well, so they're kind of the perfect gift for anyone who has ever been affected by warmth.
I was going to do a post about how this stuff can really perk you up if you're feeling a cold coming on, but then I saw this video (below).
Sooo... if you're not watching your sugars, then I guess you can still use this stuff to stop a cold from coming on. But if you ARE watching your sugars, then be forewarned and stay away from this stuff! And honestly, we should all be watching our sugars.
Cinnamon Broom
I need to have a list when I go into Trader Joe’s, otherwise I’ll always end up with purchases like this one shown above.
It’s literally a broom that makes any area you sweep smell like cinnamon. Am I losing it or is that an amazing idea? My grandma would be all OVER this baby.
Copper Hair Tube
It mildly shocks me that women haven't demanded more variety when it comes to their hair ties. Doesn't it seem strange that we've never really yearned for more beautiful alternatives to the plain, old, fabric-laden rubber band? These are some of the reasons that I absolutely love this copper "hair tube" seen above. Not only is it gorgeous, but it's different from the boring-ass hair ties that dominate the doorknobs in my house (that's where I keep all my hairties, on doorknobs throughout the house - it's actually a great way to always find one when you need one).