Shows That Had Only One or Two Great Halloween Episodes
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Hex and the Single Guy (Also, I know that Fresh Prince had another Halloween episode, but this one was world's better, so it's the only one worth mentioning.)
Saved by the Bell - Mystery Weekend (Yes, this isn't a Halloween one, but murder mystery weekends count.)
The special, two-part season six Halloween episode of Growing Pains (part one & part two)
Blossom - Season Three - All Hallows Eve
Living Single - Trick or Trust
Who’s The Boss - Misery (not a Halloween one, but it’s a Misery parody and it’s perfect)
Modern Family - okay I don’t like this show, but I love these two episodes: Halloween and The Last Halloween
Bob's Burgers (list below) (clearly I should add an entire new post for this show)
Runner Ups - Shows That Had Some Great Halloween Episodes
Family Matters
Perfect Strangers
Can't even tell you how giddy this screenshot always makes me.
If you're wondering where my Simpsons Halloween post is - aww, you're really cute. Of course I love those episodes, but I can't possibly list my favourites for you to peruse. That's the joy of watching those episodes, picking and choosing a few different ones to watch each year since there are so many to choose from!
And for the last time, here are the links to my previous posts on Halloween sitcom episodes: