This is a safe space, right? 'Cause I have something to tell you.
My boyfriend and I... started a fitness/health joint-Instagram account. Try to reserve your judgement here, okay? I know how it sounds when couples do certain things that make their friends roll their eyes, I really do. I roll my eyes at a lot! Well, I don't actually, but I understand the eye-rolling. We really just wanted to start it 'cause we've been talking about doing it since we started making juices two years ago and it seemed like it might be helpful in even a small way to try and maintain.
So far we've only posted recipes of what we've been eating that's healthy, but soon I want to start posting short videos of what we do at the gym or maybe other kinds of things that would fall into the category of trying to be a balanced, functional adult. I'm in no way saying that we're even remotely qualified to be telling anyone what's healthy and what's not. If anything, having this account has only encouraged us to do more juices and different kinds of smoothies since it's fun to take photos and share the stuff that you're proud of. And maybe "proud" is a stupid word for it, but personally it makes me feel good. (I don't know why I think I need to justify this so much, to be honest.)
If you've got any interest in following us at all, you can check it out over here.