The above is a photo of the Cheesy Beef Poutine Pizza from Pizza Hut (minus the beef and with extra fries) that I ordered at my parent's house in Mississauga, Ontario a few weeks ago. I'd been waiting a long time (two months) to finally try this bad boy. Verdict? Disappointing!
Were my expectations high? God, yes! Was there any way that it could've been amazing? Probably not. But not because putting poutine on top of a pizza is a bad idea... moreso just because it was foolish for me to expect Pizza Hut to carefully concoct such a delicate Canadian creation.
I was told that there would be gravy instead of pizza sauce. There was none (or none that my gentle eyes could detect). I was also told that actual Quebecois curds were being used, and not the generic Hut mozzarella. I was misinformed.
Yes, maybe I shouldn't have made my substitutions (of the no beef and the added frie-age) , but am I not entitled to some actual deliverance of A POUTINE?! I think so.
Honestly, the pizza wasn't terrible. I ate probably... three slices over the span of many hours. It was just dry as fuck. If anything, this whole experience has made me want to try and make my OWN version one day. You know, when I'm at a more stable point in my life and can undertake such a challenge. For now, though? I shall only express my disappointment.
It was a courageous try, Pizza Hut. But please... you're embarrassing all Canadians by keeping that trash on your fine menu. Good day.
(*EDIT NOTE: I just looked on their site and it's totally off the menu now. Either this blog post WORKED in the two seconds since I put it up, or the Hut really has a handle on things. Commendable.)