That was the longest spring that ever sprang and I couldn’t be happier about it. Here’s how I did with my spring bucket list.
1. Deep clean my apartment and donate all the clothing I haven’t worn in years.
I did not deep clean my apartment because the phrase deep clean is too intense, so it continuously got bumped off my daily to do lists. I did however donate about twenty pounds worth of old clothing I haven’t worn in years, so I’m taking a half point here.
I took this photo because I was so proud of decluttering my closet but of course it doesn’t photograph very well, it’s hard to accurately portray pride through a camera lens
2. Prepare steak Diane at home.
I did! And it was fantastic. One day I will learn how to properly ignite a flame without fear and then I will be unstoppable.
Steak Diane ingredients
3. Finally have lunch at S&P.
I did and it was beyond lackluster. What the hell is the appeal of this place?
You never need to go, trust me
4. See the cherry blossoms in Central Park. (There’s a tracker to see what’s blooming before you go.)
I went more than once and they were wonderful.
Baby Dog in Central Park
5. Finally tour the old City Hall subway station.
I had been waiting to do this for literal years and it was as magical as I’d hoped it would be.
The abandoned City Hall subway station
So I got 4.5 out of 5… are we serious? That’s the best I’ve ever done. Maybe you’re thinking it’s insane for me to be so chuffed with myself about “completing” something so frivolous - or maybe it’s just some slight jealousy creeping up on you…? Hard to tell.
Summer list coming tomorrow!