“For good luck throughout the year, wear new clothes on Easter.”
Mom Says
When you’re being driven across a set of railroad tracks, make sure to lift your feet off the ground as you drive over the tracks and make a wish while doing so. If you’re returning across that same railroad track later on in the same day, do not repeat this and make a wish again. Only one per day allowed.
Mom Says
“Don’t pass hot sauce to someone, place it down on something so they can pick it up if they’ve asked you for it. If you pass it to someone, you will have an argument or fight.”
Mom Says
“If your right foot itches, you’re supposed to bear the pain and do not scratch it, otherwise your good luck will fade away.
If your left foot itches, you should scratch it a lot to ward off bad fortune.”
Mom Says
“Members of the opposite sex should never dry themselves on the same towel as this will invariably lead to a quarrel between them.”
EDIT NOTE: These will be recurring posts. They will consist of things that my mother has said to me over the years. They will be comprised of West Indian superstitions, general superstitions, some advice, memorable thoughts, and/or some Hassina originals. She’s a lovely woman and I take all of this stuff ridiculously seriously, unfortunately.