Christmas Movie To Watch - Batman Returns

by Liz Heather in


Okay, calm down. I know there are a billion other, way-more-Christmasy movies I could suggest here - but you already know about those! And hopefully you're aware of this one as well. But if not? Watch it! 

It can get sickening to watch the gooey, heartfelt Christmas movies over and over each year (with the exception of Scrooged, I could watch that every year until I die and be quite content), so maybe mix it up and give this a watch.

And I'm not into comic books* or superheroes at all, but the sight of Gotham City? Fuck, it's so gorgeous. What a beautiful place to live. And with the snow? Get out of here, so lovely. 

*Archie Comics are an exception obviously, those will always be delightful to me.