Two Pinterest Pins That Blow Hard

by Liz Heather in ,

As I've mentioned before, one of my resolutions this year is to actually try the pins that I pin on Pinterest (I don't aim quite too high with my resolutions, you see) - and I vow to report on all of them, if worthy. Especially the pins that have been passed around way too many times AND ARE COMPLETE GARBAGE. No one ever talks about the garbage things they've made from Pinterest. It's weird. Anyway, please stay away from:

1. Skinny Peanut Butter Cups


These look amazing, right? Of course they do, that's why I wanted to make them. However, THEY ARE POWDERY-TASTING PIECES OF HELL. Do not try them, do not pin them. Or, you know, go ahead and try them and see for yourself, I'm not your mother. I consider myself a human who understands the delicate complexities of what a delicious peanut butter cup should taste like, and this skinny weirdo tastes nothing of the sort. Don't be fooled by the beautiful photography. It tasted horrendous. 

2. Chocolate-Banana "Ice Cream"


I don't know how on earth someone tried to classify this substance as "ice cream." Even in quotations. You can't just plop some cocoa powder in something and VOILA it's suddenly a fucking chocolatey dream. That's not how it works, internet. Adding this cocoa powder ruined what could have been a delightful banana treat. The weird powdery feeling is still lingering in my disgusted mouth. Hated all of this so much.