Spring List 2020

by Liz Heather in

It’s spring.


It seems almost insane to have a list of fun things to do this season when we need stay inside for the safety of ourselves and of others. And yet, here I am! So I’ve come up with some things that are appropriate for right now. I encourage you to make a list of your own, as always, because we all need things to look forward to, I can’t imagine not looking forward to anything.

  1. Sit on my fire escape. We haven’t done this once since we moved in last May and I’ve always wanted to. What better time than now.

  2. Bake something spring inspired.

  3. Rewatch my favourite Hitchcock movies. I was a huge fan of his when I was younger and I haven’t watched any of his movies in years, so I’ve been really wanting to lately. Nathan and I watched The Birds the other night and it’s such a good, calming movie (I know it’s about birds attacking and killing people, but there’s no background music in the whole movie and it’s just so gentle without being terrifying).

  4. Try some new hairstyles and new makeup routines. I (like many women) get into such a basic routine when it comes to hair and makeup and I want to venture outside of that.

  5. Watch at least ten things off of my To Be Watched list of movies and TV shows. I’ve had a growing list on my phone of recommendations from other people for years and even though some of them get watched, I really should make more of an effort.

Here we go…