Femme Luxe

by Liz Heather in

I’ve been especially trying to not buy things from Amazon recently (for a million reasons) and since I still don’t feel incredibly comfortable going into stores (and even if I did, dressing rooms are still closed in most places) I’ve been on the hunt for new places online to find new clothing. I only recently heard about this brand Femme Luxe, so I got a couple of things to see if they were anything special and was pleasantly surprised at how well everything fit and looked. So far, everything I’ve tried has been reasonably priced and pretty great quality. I wouldn’t recommend these specific blank pants (shown below) as summer clothing because you can get pretty hot in them (or maybe that’s just me because I overheat in every kind of weather), but I’m so, so excited to wear these in literally every other season. The sizing is wildly accurate too, I’ve never had pants (that weren’t stretchy) fit me like this before. I’ve only tried two pairs so far, but take a look at the fit. It’s insane.

I meeeean, am I wrong? Even the sweatpants look good.

Sad face = I’m so comfortable I don’t need to exude happiness?

I was a little shocked at how good they looked in real life, especially when things can appear so completely different from how they look online. Also, I guess I truly didn’t know that I could be into tapered pants? I’d always thought they’d make me look even shorter than I already am, but it seems to be having the opposite effect. It’s making me question what other things have I inherently always questioned that could actually look really good. In any case, I’ll definitely be ordering from them again.