Hungry For Change

by Liz Heather in ,

I think I would say that I liked this documentary as much as I liked Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Especially the final twenty minutes. If you enjoy watching any kind of we're-all-too-fat sort of documentaries, then you will be all about this one. (Plus, who the hell knew that eating parsley gives you better breath? Love tips like that.)

The Visit

by Liz Heather in

All I can say about this movie is this: GO SEE IT. I completely didn't expect it to be watchable and/or good, but me and Nathan had such a fun time seeing it.

I haven't loved the past few M. Night Shyamalan movies (I really only liked The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable), but this one's such a treat. Go, go, go!

(Sidenote: Have you seen Unbreakable? It's, like, really really good. Get on that too, if you haven't already.)