Don't see it. Why?
- All of the acting was atrocious (with the exception of maybe two actors - and that's two OUT OF A WHOLE CAST).
- Emma Watson's accent will embarrass you and the audience that surrounds you. My face squinched up every time she had a line, it was excruciating and too far past uncomfortable.
- Other than the robbing, absolutely nothing happens. There's no story. Really - none at all. I don't really understand how it came to be a full length movie since there's so little going on at all times.
- The script is awful. All of it. Somehow it shocks me that notable people read it and gave it the go ahead.
Those points don't convey what I'm trying to say. I think I was just excited to see it 'cause it was Sofia Coppola and it's been three years since her last movie - but the lesson has been learned, world. God, what a piece of trash.