If this is for real, well, I'm pretty sure it'll change the world. How does this work? No idea. I got a 58 in grade nine science. But here's what I read about it:
"The Oilless Fryer is capable of cooking crisp, succulent fried food – all without the need for any oil. Just how is this “magic” achieved? Well, there is an infrared heating element that will be able to heat to 400° F, while an internal fan circulates the dry hot air in order to cook golden-brown fried food using 80% less fat than deep-fried foodstuffs. This particular Oilless Fryer is capable of handling chicken wings, french fries, or spring rolls without batting an eyelid, delivering the same crunchy exterior and moist interior that you will find by using conventional deep fryers. The thing is, is this capable of handling a high volume at any one time? That depends on the appetite of your guests, as it can cook up to four cups of french fries simultaneously."
$249.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer.
So much want.