Christmas Lights On A Mirror

by Liz Heather in

As the world knows, I've already started decorating for the holidays. The best part of the decorations? The indoor Christmas lights. Now, don't get me wrong. I love me some outdoor Christmas lights, but the thing is: we rent. A basement. So we don't exactly have the right (nor ladder-possessing ability) to hang any such "holiday" lights outside our home. Thankfully the indoor lights satiate my holiday urges. The great thing about these lights is that you can put them up anywhere (ie. everywhere).

I saw this photo (below) on Pinterest months ago and it still looms in my memory.

Photo Credit: They All Hate Us

So I had to do this (below) in my bedroom.

I swear it looks prettier in person.

I know it's not exactly as nice as the previous one, but man do I love it. I think I may even keep them up long after Christmas. I feel like it gives it that vanity mirror effect, but for your whole body. Yep, that's decided. I'm keeping it. CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!