Whenever I fondly think of my days at the CNE, I swear to you I can almost smell the Tiny Tom donuts within those memories. To this day, it's impossible for me to visit that place without coming home with at least a few dozen mini donuts. I used to solely get them because my dad always requested that we bring some back home, but now I'll make sure to get them since it feels sort of wrong to see their stand and casually walk past it.
I had no idea that the company originated in 1959 and made its first CNE debut that same year. I always thought it was some American company that we were lucky enough to get in Toronto, but no - it's Canadian! Of course it is.
If you haven't tried a Tiny Tom donut by this point, I don't know what you're waiting for. And if you're especially going to the CNE to try one of their yearly abominations of culinary experiments (I mean, a cake poutine? Come on. DON'T TRY TO MAKE POUTINE BETTER, IT AIN'T HAPPENING) then you're completely missing out on one of the great staples of the exhibition.