The Return!

by Liz Heather in

Hey! I realize it's been about five (yikes) months since a new post - and for that, I'm truly sorry. I want to say that a lot has been going on, but the real culprit was laziness. It's one of my worst qualities and it's so hard to change who you are.

In any case, I've decided to change the format a bit with this site. It's exhausting to do two posts every weekday and frankly I'm sick of having to stick to a schedule with things. (I hope you understand how hard it is for me to admit that since, for the past few years, I've stuck to a rather rigid schedule of how I run things on here.) But maybe I can change and be a little more flexible. I'm not saying this will be a permanent change, but for now it's the best that I can do. I'm hoping it'll inspire me to write more posts that I'm passionate about and less ones that are basically just filler. HOPING. 

And also? Thank you for continuing to gaze your sweet little eyes on this page and these words and for caring at all about what comes out of my mouth. I feel like the three of you who read this site don't realize how much I appreciate it.

Lastly, a lot has happened this week. Well, one major thing that has made a lot of people feel a lot of ways. Yesterday in particular was one of the darkest days I've ever experienced here and I'm not sure that I'm capable of expressing it accurately at the moment. I do know that we all need some kind of good in our lives right now, so that's what this week of posts will be centered around. Specifically things that are comforting to me and have lifted me up, even for a second. 

I hope you're okay with the new changes. Thanks for still reading, bud.