I've said this for years and people continue to fight me on it. And look, I get it. It probably seems like a more romantic notion (and honestly, just easier) to have your partner be your best friend, but if you just let me explain myself here, you'll see why I'm onto something. (From here on, I'll refer to your partner as your S.O. (significant other) and B.F (best friend). It's easier that way and less redundant.)
If your S.O is your B.F. then who the hell are you supposed to go to when you want to complain about each one? YOU NEED EACH TO MAINTAIN SANITY. And I don't think that everyone needs to complain about every person in their life at some point (yes, actually I do think that but I'm trying not to be so negative) but it does help to vent once in awhile to someone that's always on your side. Without venting, people become murderers or republicans or worse, I'd imagine.
The activities. The stuff that I do with each of these people are vastly different from one another and thank God for that. I can be a well-rounded, functionally happy adult when I can do things with one that the other would never want to do.
The celebrations. As you're aware, I fully believe that friend anniversaries are just as important as S.O ones. And why shouldn't they be? Imagine you got an invitation to someone's ten year friend anniversary and it was treated like a wedding celebration? If I had any kind of money, I swear to you that's what I'd do. I'll never understand why romantic relationships are the ones most prioritized in our society, but I think it's bullshit. Yes, they're important, but they're not the most important (if you really want me not to shut up, it's the relationship you have with yourself that's most important, followed by the one you share with your pet, followed by your friendships/romantic relationships which are tied). Anyway, my original point was that by not having the same S.O & B.F in one person, you get more celebrations (birthdays, anniversaries, babies, etc.). And celebrations are some of the best parts of living on this planet.
The more important, loving people you have in your life, the happier you'll be. Fact. There are certain qualities that each person in my life has, and I love knowing who to go to when I need a certain something that I'm yearning for. Does that make sense?
One day this person will die. And if they're both your B.F and S.O, who the hell is going to help get you through this time? Your dog? Well, maybe, your dog is great. But if you put so much onto one person, you're fucked on that day.
Have I sold you on this? I mean, it's an air-tight case. And if you disagree with me, I'm not trying to say that you're wrong. I just wish you'd open up to the idea that you don't need to depend on one sole person to get everything that you're after in this life. It's a lot of pressure.
Rant over.