Winter List Revisited

by Liz Heather in

This winter was so pathetic, I think I’m happy about it being over. There were a total of TWO DAYS when it really snowed in New York and then disappeared. What the fuck? Done with this shit. Here’s what I actually did off of the winter list I made in December.

  1. Eat at Raclette finally.

    • So I finally went here. And it was lackluster! Of course it was! It fit right in with the trend of nothing going the way I wanted it to go this season (I’m really just talking about the no-snow here aspect). It’s not that the place was terrible, it just wasn’t anything special at all. I’ll describe more accurately how it sucked in my end-of-the-month post roundup.

  2. Mail out Christmas cards.

    • Of course I did this. I’m breathing, aren’t I?

  3. Try the pizza at Mama’s Too! since everyone won’t shut up about it.

    • Fuck yeah. And it was incredible.

  4. Go to the pasta happy hour at Boulud Sud.

    • Didn’t do this ONLY because I’m never out and about in the city after 9pm anymore (hahah that sounds sad but I’m very content with that fact) especially since Jenn moved out of New York. One day I’ll make it here.

  5. Attempt to drink ten glasses of water each day.

    • I barely did this one. And there’s no good reason. I killed it in all of December and then I just fell off the wagon in the new year. Lately I’ve been getting back on board with it, though, so I’m taking a half point.

All in all? 3.5/5