Summer List 2020 Revisited

by Liz Heather in

Hahahah, remember when I made a list of summer things that I wanted to do? That was cute.

  1. “If I can make it to Canada in the next few months, I’d love to go see Tew Falls finally.”

    • Didn’t even kinda make it to Canada.

  2. “Go swimming at least twice. (Where? No idea.)”

    • I went once! In Vermont! And I’m grateful for even that one time.

  3. “Try a Vietnamese iced coffee for the first time.”

    • Did it! It wasn’t anything miraculous, but happy to have tried it.

  4. “Eat the burger at L’Artusi.”

    • Done! If you put “eat a burger” on any list of mine, it’d be wild if I don’t move mountains to eat that mother.

  5. “Start planning San Francisco (and area) trip.”

    • Truly just forgot about this one. Still intending on researching the hell out of this trip.

So 2.5/5, which is actually not terrible for a summer that essentially did not count. Autumn list coming tomorrow!