2020 Resolutions Revisited

by Liz Heather in

Resolutions in 2020? It seemed like a good idea in theory. Even though many things took a wrong turn this year, some notable things happened as well. I spent hours upon hours with Nathan on his podcast, I naively made a list of quarantine things to do back in March when we were all still optimistic, I played dozens of games on Jackbox with my family on Zoom, I took a lone 15 mile walk from Queens to Manhattan mid-shutdown, my grandmother passed away and I wrote some things about it, we were able to still spend our anniversary in the hills in Vermont, my friend Irene and I spent the day in Sleepy Hollow, I wrote about the full moon on Halloween, even though there was nowhere to go & nothing to do I still had to dress up for October 31, I wrote about the greatest holiday side dish, I compiled my favourites of 2020, I spent Christmas on Zoom, and I found my favourite photos of the year. Here’s how my 2020 resolutions went.

  1. “Read at least one book per season.”

  2. “Start doing pilates again. I used to love pilates and then abandoned it once my old gym closed down. More pilates in 2020.”

    • Gyms closed in March, so I’m afraid this did not happen. Bonus note: I did finally quit the gym in early March, which is something I’d been wanting to do for a long time. I’m thinking about just getting back into Pilates DVDs, that might be the answer.

  3. “Juice at least five times a month.”

    • January - 5 times

    • February - 5 times

    • March, April, May, June, July, August, September: not even kinda!

    • October - 1 time

    • November, December - whoops!

    • WOW. Just wow. I guess in the midst of a global pandemic, juicing just vanishes from your entire mind. Fair.

  4. “Take Baby Dog on an adventure at least twice a season.”

    • Winter: I took her to Central Park and to volunteer at an elderly care facility that has a monthly dog event.

    • Spring was a pretty hardcore lockdown situation.

    • Summer: We drove her to Vermont and walked her once to Central Park.

    • Autumn: I took her to Canada.

    • Winter: We took her on the Polar Drive.

  5. “Properly go on a date with Nathan at least once a month.”

    • In January we didn’t do anything and in February we went to a Raptors game and also to a museum together and then the world stopped. In August we were able to safely drive to Vermont and it was wonderful. Other than that, "going on physical dates” would have been impossible with everything shutdown.

  6. “Try at least one new restaurant each month.”

    • January: Portale (phenomenal) & even though I’d already been to Peter Luger I went again to try the lunch burger (it was good, but nothing to travel to Brooklyn for).

    • February: Frank (very good! But I have no urge to go again).

    • March: I Sodi (wildly disappointing, will never return).

    • April - August: restaurants were mostly closed.

    • September: Gramercy Tavern (wonderous), Atoboy (fantastic, tuna was heaven on a plate) & Arte Cafe (so perfect and casually great). Note: all were outdoors and/or takeout.

    • October: Erin Mills Pump & Patio (delivery) (great!)

    • November & December: none

  7. “Submit pieces to publications at least five times each month.”

    • In May, June & July I think I submitted pieces about 10 times each month. Does that make up for every other month? No. Must get better and more regular about this one.

  8. “Go to at least one literary event every two weeks.”

    • Hahahahahah, not a chance in hell.

  9. “Save $50 every Monday until June to use for Europe spending money.”

    • I did this and then the world told me to go fuck myself. Europe was postponed and the money that I saved went towards rent & living expenses for the coming months since I wasn’t working.

  10. “Once a month, call at least one person I haven’t talked to in awhile to catch up.”

    • This was actually a great thing to do during the beginning of quarantining. It did fade around summer for me because the looming loss of regular life was starting to set in, but still. I liked this resolution. I wish I’d kept it up.

  11. “Every time I buy something new, I’ll donate or throw out one piece of clothing.”

    • I did this about half of the time, mostly because I kept forgetting. You know when you buy something new and you’re just so excited about it? It’s hard to remember things when excited.

One thing (not listed) that I did keep up with? My monthly roundup posts. I can’t believe that I’m still doing them, to be honest. Here are the links to the last twelve months of them. (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)

All in all, I think it’s a miracle that I attempted to accomplish anything last year. 2021 resolutions coming soon!