Autumn is no more! Is it just me or does it feel like the season began a year ago? Does time exist anymore? Let’s recap how I did with my autumn list of activities.
1. Go to Downey’s for our annual visit.
I truly can’t believe I didn’t do this - it’s been the first year in many years that I’ve been in town and just couldn’t find the time to go. It sort of feels nice to not be tethered to expectations of yourself. Am I… growing up? Is this growth??
2. Make turkey poutine with Thanksgiving leftovers.
You know what? Didn’t happen. But I did have duck poutine, so I’m taking a half point because that’s still some sort of bird poutine. God, that phrase is awful, I promise to never say it again.
3. Make apple fritters or an apple fritter cake.
I made an incredible apple fritter cake and it might be a staple now for Thanksgiving. And such a great alternative to boring old apple pie.
4. Learn the Phantasm theme on piano.
Didn’t do it but really thought about it.
5. Eat the steak at L’Artusi.
I did and it was good! Nothing too too special to ever must eat again, but very good.
2.5 / 5 That’s a pass, baby!