I almost can’t believe that winter is over, it’s usually so slow and long but since all of 2020 felt that way, maybe this makes sense. In retrospect it’s very cute that I even made a winter list of things to do when everything was in lockdown where I was. Here’s how that went.
Build at least one snowman or snow-woman.
This one I should’ve been able to do, no problem. But the kids weren’t allowed to come over and I only managed to get my mom to go outside with me once during the endless stream of snowstorms. Have you ever built a snowman alone? I didn’t think so. I’ve not hit that level of depression yet, so let’s just say that this one couldn’t happen.
Arrange a decadent charcuterie board on New Year’s Eve.
I did and it was beautiful. Cranberry goat cheese is one thing I have to make sure to always get over the holidays now, I’m always looking for more cranberry incorporated things. Such an underused berry.
If the city permits it, go ice skating.
The city did not permit it, so I did not.
Find a hill & sled down that hill.
Again, sledding alone with oneself is a bridge that I cannot yet cross.
Use up all of my winter stationary by sending out as much mail as my pen will allow me.
To the best of my ability, this was completed! Writing will always save me.
2/5… yikes.
Spring list coming this week!