This week’s edition is being written from Scotland, so it might be pretty UK-centric.
With Robbie, Gary & Camden near Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
Been on a real tapas kick lately, I can’t get enough. Tinto Tapas Bar in Glasgow was stellar.
All sangria, all the time.
Not a thing. Vacation = no kitchen time.
Need to find some good fish and chips before I leave.
The Barbie soundtrack on repeat.
This 1950s movie called It Should Happen To You that’s about a woman who rents a giant billboard above Columbus Circle just to put her name on it.
Aerie leggings are the only leggings to travel in.
Took a day trip to Edinburgh with my brothers and one of my nephews, which was such a perfect day. Went on a boat ride on Loch Lomand with the whole family.
Parents & Camden on Loch Lomand
Getting to see what Iceland looks like from above (on an unplanned stopover to Scotland).
The Barbie section at Primark in the UK is too good.
Barbie socks from Primark
You can read Summer Saturdays Vol. 4 over here, you can see my summer highlights on Instagram over here and I’ve got my Scotland highlights over there too.