Douglas Coupland Foreword

by Liz Heather in

I'm not sure why but I remember being so excited when I found out that Douglas Coupland was a huge Simpsons fan. I'm not even really a fan of him (though I know nothing of the man so I guess I don't like or dislike him), but whenever someone talented and known loves The Simpsons, it makes me almost giddy. Just really, really happy. (I've heard that Daniel Radcliffe even watches the commentaries!)

I know that I've already shared a few things that I've loved from this book - and here's one more!

The Simpsons Photo Every Day Parody

by Liz Heather in

This video is probably in my top three of favourite Simpsons moments and I'm shocked that I haven't posted it already.

I know that it's a parody, but sometimes remakes are better than the original (Vanilla Sky!). And I understand that parts of this are supposed to come across as funny, but I swear to you I get teary at the part where his dad (Abe) stands by the window after his wife leaves him. (I know what you're thinking - that it's impossible to get teary that fast (it happens in the span of maybe a split second), but I swear I'm telling you the truth. Play this for video for me the next time I see you if you want proof!) 

The fact that Abe's wife leaves him, devastates him to the point of excessive drinking and ultimately becoming a terrible father, thus raising an alcoholic son?! Are you kidding me?! Do you see the levels here?! I know it's a fucking comedic cartoon, but c'mon, you gotta give it to me here. I love this show more than I know what to do with sometimes. I really do.