Snow Day

by Liz Heather in ,

There are only three things I want to do on snow days.

  1. Make snow ice cream.
  2. Be in it with someone I love.
  3. Watch Simpsons snow-centric episodes continuously all day. I'll never really understand why those are my some of the most memorable Simpsons episodes, but they're so beautifully drawn and perfect looking. (My favourite is probably Skinner's Sense of Snow.)

The absolute best part of a snow day? They're not just for kids. Do you have any idea how great that is? That it can just be everyone's day off? Please try to make the most of your next snow day. Look at how much fun you can have, dammit.

Harmeet & I


by Liz Heather in , ,

Okay, there’s a snowstorm in Ontario RIGHT NOW. And so I was out playing with my niece Tianna and my dear babe Harmeet and trying to think up new ways to have more fun out there in the gorgeousness. So I came inside, did some Googling and found a way to make AND EAT some snow ice cream. 

We just made it AND IT IS DELICIOUS. Here is the recipe. I’m serious here, too. It. Is. Really. Tasty. And weirdly satisfying to know that it fell from the sky. 

Harmeet’s advice: “Eat it fast!”

SNOW DAY! Okay, bonus post over. Enjoy your weekend, babies. 


(Sidenote: Tianna opted not to have a photo up here because she’s a teenager and thought she was BETTER THAN THIS POST! She’s still lovely, nevertheless.)