This toy company makes custom plush-toy replicas of pets from photos sent in by their clients. Ummm, this is one of the greatest ideas I've heard in awhile. The only downside is the price - I'm not sure why they're $249 per pet, but I'm assuming that a lot of work goes into each one.
Children's Drawings Become Real Stuffed Animals
Wendy Tsao runs Child's Own Studio and has been turning children's drawings into stuffed animals since 2007.
I'm conflicted about whether I want to congratulate this woman on coming up with such a unique business idea or whether I want to QUIT EVERYTHING AND SOMEHOW ALIGN MYSELF WITH HER TO CREATE THESE DRAWINGS AS A CAREER. Can you imagine how fun this must be?
Prices run between $90 and $140 (Canadian), plus shipping costs - and there's obviously a wait list. But honestly, if you know how to use a sewing machine (and you should), I don't see what could be stopping you from trying to do this on your own. I would've never even thought of such an idea, but wouldn't it be an incredible gift? I don't know if a child would love it as much as I think they would (and should), but this is definitely going to be something I'll attempt if I ever have children. SUCH a genius idea. You can see more of her work here.