This movie looks so good and I swear I’m not just saying that because of the split second scene with the chihuahua.
Shocked at how good this looks.
The Little Prince Trailer
Umm, this looks fantastic.
The Baby
Why oh why am I just learning of this movie’s existence NOW?
Knight of Cups Trailer
I feel like this could really be something (as long as it's nothing like Tree of Life), but I'm not sure. There's just something about seeing Christian Bale's face that makes me think things are going to turn out all right.
Girls Season Four Trailer
Pulp: A Film About Life, Death & Supermarkets Trailer
If you ever gave a shit about Pulp (and let's hope you did) - this looks like it could be kind of good. It's 90 minutes and plays Wednesday November 19th at 7:30pm at the Music Box Theatre. It's also playing in most major markets across the country.
I will forever love teaser trailers. We don't need longer than a teaser for any movie, EVER. When will the world learn that?! I don't even know if I'll love this movie (or even like it), but doesn't this trailer make it look incredible? Or maybe it's George Clooney's voice? I don't know what it is, but I am all about this.
Men, Women & Children Trailer
I can't tell if this looks really good 'cause I'm often tricked by wordless trailers, I always think they look better than they actually are. But I don't know, I really feel like this could be something.
Sidenote: Happy Birthday to my beautiful, kind and original-as-hell nine year old niece, Layla. You make me happier than you'll ever realize and I'll love you forever, lady.
This is still the greatest trailer of all time. I watch it maybe once a month. Just so, so good.
Plus I remember reading this before it came out:
“It is not acceptable for a grown man to be getting teary-eyed at out-of-context snippets of a movie played at a comic-book convention. And yet there I was, sitting in Hall H, fighting back tears.” – Devin Faraci, after seeing ten minutes of a Where The Wild Things Are at a screening at Comic Con
And just knowing that there were other weirdos out there who had the same strong reaction that I did made me feel less like an adult who needs to get over this damn book. Ugh, what a trailer.