As Real As You And Me - Rihanna

by Liz Heather in ,


My niece Layla was watching Home on DVD in my parent's living room and I heard this song from the other room, came in to watch the scene with this song playing, watched for a few minutes, cried, then left to go lay down for a minute. Does that make me seem like a maniac? 'Cause it happened just that way. 

This song is real as fuck. Gotta remember to watch that whole movie in full.

When She Loved Me

by Liz Heather in ,

I think I have a gift for searching (and finding) the saddest songs on the planet. The next time you're in a real deep, dark mood - send me a text and I'll let you know exactly what you should listen to on repeat. 

(Even out of context, this song is so sad - but IN CONTEXT? In that scene in Toy Story 2? Get out of here, that's like the-first-fifteen-minutes-of-Up kind of sad.)

Kanye West on SNL

by Liz Heather in ,

I used to hate Kanye West. Why? I don't know, like everyone else who hates him - I didn't really have any good reasons ("He seems like a dick" isn't really a good reason). I just never cared for him.

And then I saw this performance on Saturday Night Live in 2010 and I completely changed my tune. Typically speaking, I always fast forward through most SNL performances. But this one? Just nuts. Not only is it amazing that so much effort went into it, but I found it incredible that he could alter that same old SNL stage the way that he did. I loved how much thought went into that performance and that was it. I stopped hating him. Below you can find another performance from that same episode, but the one linked above is the one that did it for me.

The Man Who Is Dave Grohl

by Liz Heather in , ,

You know what's weird? You don't know how much I love Dave Grohl. This is the first time I'm mentioning him on the blog since its inception two years earlier, and that seems kind of fucked up to me. I used to adore this man. And it's not as though I don't anymore - it's more of a silent "Ahh yes. Dave Grohl" kind of feeling now. Just a buried love affair that once was. I don't want to get into too much detail about being in my late teens & early twenties and fully believing that I would marry this man. 

I mean, look at him.

And I was too young to like Nirvana when they were around, so I boarded the Grohl train in the early Foo Fighters years. They were at the first concert I went to (Summersault 2000) and that was when I fully knew how I felt. I mean, someone hurled a water bottle at his face and he casually caught it mid-air and then took a sip. Can you comprehend how cool that looked? 

In any case, does this post have a point? Not really. It just felt weird to write on here for so long and not mention his name. Oh, and also - if you're not in love with this man's voice after the acoustic version of Everlong, then you, my dear, are dead inside.

I don't get nuts when I see celebrities, but him and Martin Short are the only two people I think I would convulse at seeing in the flesh. 

All right, that's all.

Sidenote: Happy Birthday to one of the best humans I know, my brother Gary. You're in my top three of people I couldn't live without and I hope you're aware of how much I sing your praises to everyone I know. (And also, you kind of introduced me to the magic of Dave Grohl, so I kind of am in debt to you forever for that.) Thank you for being everything that you are. I love you enough to temporarily give up my Perfect Strangers collection.