Best Sitcom Fight

by Liz Heather in

1. The quality of this video is awful and I'm sorry but it's the only one I could find.

2. I never watched Will & Grace (okay, by that I mean I saw maybe twenty or so episodes) and this was by far the best scene on that show. I'm not sure if you need context to appreciate how good this scene is - actually, I don't think you do so I'll just leave it alone.

3. You seriously don't agree?!

Chelsea Does...

by Liz Heather in

I don't really see myself as a huge Chelsea Handler fan since I've never seen her show and I've only read one of her books, but I think that's slowly changing 'cause this series was one of the most entertaining things I've seen on Netflix is awhile.

Each episode covers a different topic (marriage, silicon valley, racism & drugs) for about an hour each and I guarantee you'll enjoy at least one (if not all) of these episodes. I really hope she ends up making more episodes since they're/she's fantastic.