Lessons of the Week

by Liz Heather in ,

Here are some things that I learned this week:

  1. You're not supposed to ever feed your dog grapes. Seriously, don't do it. I read that here, along with many other things that are bad for dogs in general. It can cause kidney failure or make them sick. Stop doing this! I don't care how cute it is to witness!
  2. The best banana pudding in the world is in the West Village at Magnolia Bakery. (Fuck those cupcakes, go here for pudding!) Can't believe it took me this long to hear about it. Apparently everyone else already knows this. Eat it. Love it. Live it. (photo below)
  3. Cooked prosciutto IS WAY TASTIER THAN RAW PROSCIUTTO. Why in the hell are people not eating it cooked always? It's eons better! It's like a less fatty, thinner, meatier-tasting bacon. And I love it. I've always tried to coerce myself into loving it raw and why? 'Cause I guess I'm a rube. Never again. Always gonna cook it now. 
  4. Kale can actually be tasty. I've never believed this before (I'm talking years here), because, well, it's putrid and poorly cooked most of the time. But I had some of a wonderfully under-dressed kale caesar salad with bacon last night at Murray's Cheese Bar that was the definition of delightful. I should've been less shocked though since almost everything there is amazing. 

Do these seem more like recommendations and less like lessons to you? 'Cause you're wrong. You need to get on all of these things immediately.  


There are pieces of cake in it!

There are pieces of cake in it!

Blue Cheese Lollipops

by Liz Heather in ,

Sometimes I do things so that you don't have to. Let that be known here.

I’m quite sure there isn’t a cheese on this planet that I wouldn’t try. And among the top cheeses that I frequent – blue cheese ranks high. An opportunity presented itself recently where I was offered to sample this blue cheese lollipop. 

Does that sound gross? I didn’t think it did. And honestly, only the first and last licks were the most atrocious ones. The inbetween licks however? Actually not completely terrible. They really turned into and tasted like a normal piece of candy for the moments when you weren’t thinking that you were basically sucking on a piece of cheese.(Sidenote: have you ever sucked on a fantastic piece of cheese? Try it. You might be really into it.)

The biggest problem with this treat is the after-breath. I tried to convince my dear friend Jenn to taste one (if only to smell her breath afterward), but she insisted on passing. All she had to say was that I smelled horrid after tasting the ‘pop. And that was only after maybe five licks. I shudder to think what I would’ve smelled like if I’d devoured the whole thing. All in all, are these more gross than appetizing? For sure. Are they fun, though? Bigtime. (They would absolutely kill at a party.) And I'm sure there are some rubes out there who are gonna fake-love the hell out of these just because they're campy. Or possibly some real maniacs who actually enjoy them. Either way, good on you!

After the first taste

After holding the final lick inside for much too long

After holding the final lick inside for much too long

I also tried their Absinthe flavoured lollipop and was disappointed, since it only tasted like black licorice. I understand that Absinthe does have that flavour, but was saddened at it not having any sort of alcoholic element. If you’re gonna have an Absinthe-flavoured ANYthing, then there needs to be alcohol involved. (Can you even get liquor into a candied treat? I think you can. Though my only example would be rum balls and rum balls are just filth.)

They’re available online at Lollyphile and they cost $10 for four of them.