Ummmm, this is great, right? Yes, yes it is! Especially because of the fact that I'm constantly telling people what to watch and episodes of things that are great - and I always want to be sitting beside them to see if they're actually enjoying it. Saying, that out loud makes it seem abnormal, I realize. I just love watching shows/movies I love with friends! Or forcing them to sit in one spot and soak up whatever hilarity I'm placing upon their eyes. Either way.
Such a great idea!
It might be abnormal to choose this as one of the top three songs from The Lion King, I realize. But do you remember the scene when it first played? At night? 'Cause it was memorable as hell. Love this so much.
Let me be clear, it is not funny when someone in real life falls down. That being said, this part in the movie Scrooged (at 20 seconds) when Bill Murray first stumbles and then slips from his foot sliding sideways? I lose my shit every single time I see it. That foot slip looks like it was a complete accident (and that'll be the first thing I ask the man if I ever meet him), which is maybe why I find it so especially fantastic. Love this man. Love this fall.