Fury of the Day – “Women Have Come A Long Way!”

by Liz Heather in

In the context of talking about how men and women are each treated in society, I heard someone say this the other day and I keep thinking about it. Every time I hear it said aloud, it stays with me for a few days. Mainly because after it’s said, everyone around that person usually agrees with the thought and then moves on.

Am I the only one who wants to scream "HOW?!" at these people? Is it just me who thinks this is an insane statement? There are hundreds of daily reminders that show me that women haven’t come very far at all and I feel like, if anything, we’re in a weirder place now. There are tons of specifics I could get into, but the main one on my mind right now is this illusion of equality that we all seem to think is in full effect (in the media, specifically). 

When I see a billboard of Nicki Minaj’s full ass hanging out next to a billboard of Kanye West in a buttoned up fucking TRENCHCOAT, am I supposed to think this is normal? We’re really working towards equality here? I’m not saying that it’s wrong of her to choose to present herself that way, I’m saying that it’s fucked up that I’m supposed to think it’s normal and not give it a second thought. The fact that he’s presented in a manner where he can be judged for his talent and she’s presented in a way for you to rank her fuckability – that’s fucking terrible to me. I’m not saying she’s awful, I’m saying this wild notion of “women coming so far” is complete fucking garbage to me when examples like this one completely surround our lives. Especially when we’re living in a time when we’re constantly being told that a woman’s worth depends almost completely on her exterior. Is that a dramatic statement to make? I really don’t think it is. If she had some pants on in that shot, would her album have still hit number one? I don’t fucking know, but it’s shitty that I have to wonder that.

Another thing I hate is that if you have an opinion on public figures who show a lot of skin, you get put into one of two categories.
1.    The prudes, who think showing any kind of skin is a sin. 
2.    The women who shout things like, “She looks fucking good! What’s the problem?”

I don’t want to be in either of those groups, I don’t belong in them! I love the way that I look and it doesn’t harm me that she’s showing anything off. I don’t care if she looks good or if she looks shitty, why do we have to be talking about how she looks at all? Shouldn’t we be more concerned about why objectifying yourself has become the new social norm? 

The fact that the majority of us have somehow been tricked into thinking that a woman in the public eye who shows off the majority of her body consistently is somehow “empowered” and “strong” blows my fucking mind. Yeah, of course, anybody can do whatever the fuck they want – but if that’s the logic here then where the hell are the strong, powerful men with their dicks hanging out? Why have I never seen Jay-Z’s chest?! Why aren’t those photos shoved down my throat? That’s not the culture, I get it. My point is that you can be strong and empowered and not photoshop a thigh gap onto your latest Instagram photo. You are not “helping women”. 

Another thing I hate? The argument of, “Sex sells.” Once I get going on these opinions and someone says that? Conversation over. And not because I want the conversation to be over, but because that’s the little “Well, whaddya gonna do about it?” answer that we’re all so comfortable with hearing. Yeah, it’s true. Yeah, this is the world we live in. I feel like there was a time when that statement made people more mad, but now? It’s so fucking commonplace there’s no emotional attachment to it anymore. As though we’ve somehow become beings who have fully accepted that women are only valuable based on how good they look and that’s just the way it is

Someone please tell me what justifies someone classifying women as having “come so far.” Is it because we’re allowed to vote now, is that when this argument started? ‘Cause that was almost a hundred fucking years ago and it wasn’t a “women’s issue” then, it was a human rights issue. People don’t approach black people and congratulate them on how far they’ve come because there’s an understanding that THAT WOULD BE RIDICULOUS. It’s an insanely condescending statement to make towards anyone and should infuriate everyone. 

We have not fucking come very far at all.

Epic - A Review

by Liz Heather in ,

I just saw Epic with my seven year old niece, Layla. Here are some thoughts.

Thoughts After Seeing The Trailer

  • Did that girl’s dad shrink her down ‘cause he’s a scientist? 'Cause Honey, I Shrunk The Kids is a classic and if kids today haven't seen that movie... well, that's a damn shame and I blame the parents.
  • Wait, is Beyonce’s character white, just with a wicked tan? 
  • I will forever love red haired main characters. No reason for that - really, no reason! I just like it so much more than plain Jane brown haired ones or too bright blondes. Animated red hair just makes my eyes smile.  
  • Fuck, this is the second Owl City song I like. If there's a third, that's gonna be rough to deal with.
  • The line: “Just because you haven’t seen something doesn’t mean it’s not there” – already been used, buds. The Santa Clause. With the incomparable Tim Allen. 

Thoughts After Seeing The Movie

  • Everyone, young and old, likes Aziz Ansari.
  • Happy to realize that the dad didn't infact shrink her down. What did cause that? Beyonce's magic. Okay, cool. 
  • Kids really like to have conversations with you during movies. And I think I really like it. Just 'cause, like, they're not trying to be dicks or anything - they just have thoughts they needa get out, so they use their normal speaking voice to let you hear them. Lotta respect for that.
  • Amanda Seyfried sounds identical to Zooey Deschanel at times.   
  • Okay, maybe I'm way out of line here, but I feel like the people over at Blue Sky Studios really wanted me to come out of the theatre with an overwhelming urge to serve my country. The whole movie reminded me of that Simpsons episode where Bart joins a boy band that secretly is trying to enlist kids to join the Navy. In Epic, the whole leaf men storyline of them being protectors of the forest? And how no one is alone if there's someone fighting next to them? Are we kidding here? Just a theory, but come on. It was weird. 

All in all, not the worst, and not the best. Layla enjoyed it, so that's all I need at this point. And I had no choice but to see it in 3D. Still no love for that "feature", but that's a whole other topic. Carry on with your day. Thanks for reading.

(Sidenote: I will sincerely and dearly love Mr. Tim Allen probably for the remainder of my days. Man’s dynamite.)

Fury of the Day - Beyonce & Pepsi

by Liz Heather in


Why does no one seem bothered by the Beyonce and Pepsi partnership? Is it because celebrities are constantly endorsing such terrible-for-everyone products? Have we all become immune to it but me? Why the hell am I so bothered by this? In amongst every other awful thing that is currently going on in this world today, why would this be something that sends me into a rage-filled diatribe?

These are questions that I don’t have the answers to. I have ideas on why, but no concrete answers. Possible ideas are listed below, in the form of a letter.

Dear Bey,

Are you going to be doing something amazingly kind and generous with this money that you’re making in this fifty million dollar endorsement? Are you going to end world hunger? Do you somehow have plans of secretly solving many world problems, that I just haven’t heard about yet? Surely, there is a greater good that will come out of this awful, awful idea to endorse such a company. Do you just hate Coke? Please tell me that’s what this is about. I could understand that. Do you honestly want people to see your beautiful mug on the side on a Pepsi can and encourage them to ruin their lives with such childish desires? Seriously, no judgment here - I just want to know what’s up. Why the hell would you be into this? You’re a billionaire. With a billionaire husband. And this doesn’t make you a “businesswoman”, this makes you seem like a joke. And you aren’t ‘cause, like, you promote a lot of healthy, great things for women in general, but also for people. So you can see why this just leaves me confused. 


I think the real thing that angers me is the fact that no one should glamorize/idealize this woman. I do that myself! Do I want to?! Of course not! That’s pathetic! But I can feel myself doing it because I’m but a mere mortal and can’t always ignore the subliminal things in my daily life that are constantly telling, “You must love Beyonce. Beyonce is perfect. You must love Beyonce.” In the past year or so, I feel like everyone and their brother has felt this way in some smaller form or another and it isn’t normal or healthy. It isn’t realistic or human to do that with anyone, but especially someone whom none of us know. I understand that management teams are especially amazing at what they do in this day and age (hers especially), but I just think that it’s getting out of control how we are all expected to worship this human/icon/product/whatever-you’d-like-to-call-her and freely accept with open arms whatever they endorse or tell us or encourage. I feel the same way about how some people are just in love about Oprah, no matter what. (Now, this is a personal thing, but I loathe Oprah for my own reasons, but have always thought that it’s so weird how she has such a cult-like following.)

Honestly, this whole post might as well be summed up as:

Yo, Beyonce… you know that Pepsi is terrible for you, right? What the fuck’s up with you telling me it’s great? Lame. People listen to you! What are you doing?! I guess you’re not that great afterall. Boooo! Peace.


by Liz Heather in , ,

(I’m putting this up now at 10am, since my Oz post was so delayed. Balance!) 

Okay, this is just an advice post. A Liz Advice piece, if you will. Why am I doing this? Well, because it’s my birthday. I’ve been on this planet for twenty-eight years now and I like to think that I’ve learned some things. I, in no way, know it all. Duh. I’m not Beyonce. (Yet.) But here are a few things I’ve learned thus far…

Things You Should Do
  • Save emails that have compliments about you in them. They’ll make you feel nicer at times when you’re in low places.
  • Mail things. Everyone will always love mail. In the history of time, no one has ever angrily said, “Ah, God. Mail?!” 
  • Try to attain soft elbows. Someone’s gonna be touching them at some point. Make sure they’re up to par.
  • Talk to your parents/parent a lot or more than a fair amount. They’re gonna say insightful things sometimes. A lot of it will be mediocre at best, but it’s best not to be a dick to humans who brought you here, dummy. 
  • Take at least two vacations a year. Even if they’re only to places as far as the next city over. Everyone is in a better mood on vacation.
  • If/when you have nieces/nephews, be as present in their lives as you possibly can. It’s important for everyone involved. 
  • See an ophthalmologist at least once a year, every year. Eyes are just as important as teeth and no one ever talks about that fact. Just go.
  • See a dentist twice a year. Not as important as the eye guy, but still up there.
  • Hold grudges. Or rather, don’t be afraid to hold grudges. Sometimes people are just dirt and it’s good to remember that and not give them too much of yourself. 
  • Retweet.
Things You Shouldn’t Do
  • Obsess about your weight/body. No one cares. It’s boring to hear and talk about. Spare us all.
  • Be alone when you are sick. Call someone over. It helps your state of mind times a million. Having someone to complain to heals an illness 50% quicker, I’d imagine.
  • Eat fast food more than once a week. Are you simple? Don’t do that. You’re better than that.
  • Be weird about hugging.
  • Point and laugh at someone. Even as a joke. I really can’t stand this. Too mean.
  • Bungee jump. Have you ever seen a YouTube bungee jumping video before? Don’t. Do. It.
  • Say, “WHAT?!” with an angry face when you can’t hear someone. 
  • Think that Beyonce’s better than you. Yeah, she’s got beauty/money/success/family/talent/style/security/thebesttumblr/etc., but I’m sure she has her own issues going on. You’re great, too. Don’t forget that. 
  • Smile at anyone on the street after 11pm.
  • Favorite.
Thanks for reading, guys. 
Birthdayly yours,


by Liz Heather in ,

When I go into a drugstore, grocery store, book store or anywhere that sells magazines, I have a little tendency that’s begun to take over my body/being. What is this tendency? I turn most (or all) the covers of tabloid magazines over, so that their back cover is what shows on a magazine stand.


Why do I do this? I did it once a few years ago, and now I can’t really stop. There aren’t words to describe how much I loathe People Magazine. And US Magazine. And any “story” TMZ would jump to “cover”. Absolutely anything tabloid related. (Sidenote: this is my absolute favourite blog post about tabloids that I’ve ever read, written by a beautiful man who’s very funny.) This hatred has grown over the years to an extent that is almost unmanageable today. And I’m really only sharing this because it makes me so mad and I’ll feel less crazy if it isn’t a secret thing that I do anymore.

Also, I’m not talking about this now with the intent of saying that you should be doing this as well… this is a stupid thing to do. I know that. But every time I do it, I literally believe that maybe ONE less of these awful, hate-filled pieces of trash will be sold. I know that’s a naive thought, and I’m okay with that. People are allowed to read whatever they want. If they want to read these magazines that badly then they’ll turn them over and FIND the goddam one they’re looking for and then buy it. And that’s fine. BUT my feeling is that people do NOT want to buy these magazines, but are swayed by the ridiculously stupid headings and glamorized photos of PEOPLE WE DO NOT KNOW PERSONALLY.

I know now I’m really just getting into the idea of celebrity and the absurdness that surrounds it, but that’s really another topic. 

The root of this all? I don’t want to see a plethora of “post-baby bodies” or who’s getting divorced or Blue fucking Ivy’s first fetus photo or ANY kind of details on someone’s “secret wedding” — I DON’T CARE. NO ONE INTELLIGENT SHOULD CARE. Does reading this trash make me feel good about myself?! Does criticizing others make my goddam day a little easier? FUCK. OFF. 

People complain about reality television a lot these days, but these magazines are a billion times worse. It makes no sense to me why we as a SOCIETY are being encouraged to analyze and excessively compliment or condemn people we do not know. What on earth is there to gain by being so invested in the details of their lives? 

I, in no way, can fully place blame on the people who read this kind of trash (yes, they aren’t helping the problem), but since these magazines, entertainment shows, the E! network and endless awards shows are all attributes constantly occupying your field of vision and your television sets, it makes sense that they’re so popular. I doubt they’ll stop printing them, ever. I’m not trying to start a movement here, guys. But maybe, if you agree with ANY of this post, then turn over one of these magazines the next time you’re waiting in line. And maybe for one mere moment you’ll save someone the agony of having to hear about Kim Kardashian’s baby bump being compared to the size of her ass.