My 31st Birthday

by Liz Heather in

I'm 31! And it's not terrible, it's actually kind of nice. I keep waiting to be freaked out about being in my thirties and it hasn't happened.

I went to the Hayden Planetarium today with Nathan for the first time and it was perfect. Not really worth the price, but I was happy to have finally visited. Also, why the hell aren't the chairs more reclinable there? All the money that goes into a place like that and the chairs sit upright while you glare at the ceiling and kill your neck? Makes no sense. 

In any case, it was such a nice day and thanks to everyone who had very sweet things to say to me today!

Birthday Gift Idea

by Liz Heather in ,

If someone close to you has an important birthday coming up, you know what you should do? This.

My friend Marla started sending me notes in the mail a month before my actual birthday (30 notes for my 30th birthday). What kind of notes, you ask? SWEET-ASS THINGS THAT SHE THINKS ABOUT ME! Compliment notes, if you will.

Is this the nicest thing in the world to receive? Why yes, yes it was. And some of them included gift-gifts too (like Urban Outfitters clothes & face masks!). Am I bragging? Fuck yeah! 'Cause this is one of the nicest things that anyone has ever done for me and I'm almost mad that I hadn't thought of it myself to do for someone else! You know what a fan I am of correspondence

Anyway, definitely keep this in mind as a gift idea for a special birthday. Marla, you're the kindest person in the world and I'm lucky as FUCK to know you.

30th Birthday Photos

by Liz Heather in

I know it's a Saturday and I don't post on the weekends, but I just wanted to quickly share some of the photos from today.

Harmeet & Nathan decorated the whole apartment

Breakfast cake!

This gorgeousness came from my parents

Nathan, Harmeet and I went to Lovely Day for lunch and I felt ill as hell

Jenn made me a key lime birthday pie!

With Harmeet at The Smith

With Jenn at The Smith

These ladies are kind of the best.

Thank you times a million for coming to New York for my birthday, Harmeet.