“If you’re an aunt, you should totally be having sleepovers with your nieces and nephews.”
The Bedwetter by Sarah Silverman - A Review
I really enjoyed it (which you may have anticipated) and you should definitely check it out if you haven't already. Best parts ahead.
- "If you're a comic, sooner or later you will either befriend, financially support, or become a homeless person."
- There's a story about the death of her younger brother that's insanely sad, but she tells it in such a delicate way that's so memorable.
- She wrote a whole page describing how great Garry Shandling is and how he's such an influence to her. "Garry emphasized that it would be up to me to set limits, to know what I can and cannot do, and that "quality of life" does not mean "the most money to can possibly make."
- "After Saturday-night sleepovers I'd go to church on Sundays with my Christian friends and their families far more than I ever went to temple. But both places of worship seemed to be these bizarre forums where authority figures told fucked-up ghost stories between spurts of loving encouragement."
And just incase you're keeping track (you aren't), I'm very much on track with my resolution of reading two books a season. (Winter: Tim Allen & Samantha Irby & Spring: Chelsea Hander & Sarah Silverman)