
by Liz Heather in ,

LiquiGlide is the first and only company to create permanently wet slippery surfaces. There is no other durable solution that makes viscous liquids slide easily.

Ummm, THIS IS AMAZING. If you're like me and have a billion questions, it's best for you to just go on over here for some answers. 

Do you understand how cool an idea this is? You'll never waste a drop of anything again IN YOUR LIFE. Is it just me or is that ketchup video fucking mesmerizing to watch? It's so silky, damnit. You can watch other things slide out of glasses and tubes over here, ya know, if you're into it.


Coin Purse Photos

by Liz Heather in , ,

If you're a sentimental and/or loving human being, you likely have photos of your loved ones in your wallet. Wait, maybe you don't. I just realized that maybe people only keep photos of their loved ones on their phones these days - and if that is the case, I guess that's fine, too. But if you are amongst the few who prefer a hard copy to carry around, you know that there's a limited amount of space for those coveted plastic cover spots. 

Tip of the day? Use your coin slots for extra photo storage like I do!

Nieces being pretty.

Also, since you don't see the photo all the time, it's an added little treat to see every time you need change.

Holiday Nails

by Liz Heather in ,

My rule about nail art? It can be great, as long as it's not aggressive. And by that I mean that only one nail on each hand should have said art. Otherwise it's way too distracting. So this week, I decided to give this pin (below) a try.

Pinterest nails

And here's how mine turned out.

My nails

Pretty good, yeah? One tip: if you do give this a try, put that white coat on and then let it dry for at least eight hours before you add the overtop coat with tape. 

It's pretty shocking how easy this was to do considering how many bad pins there are to try on Pinterest.