Glutton For Gravy: One Man's Journey To The Bottom of the Boat

by Liz Heather in ,

I'm here to tell you that dreams can come true. My brother, Gary, STARTED A GRAVY BLOG.

Maybe that doesn't seem big to you (and if it doesn't, we can discuss that privately later), but it's huge. He, more than anyone, knows about good gravy. And since it's long been listed among my favourite things to eat, I'm so excited he's started documenting his gravy travels.

He moved to Ireland earlier this year, so the posts will be focused on that general area - but I'm really hoping he'll continue it and expand the posts to wherever he travels from here on out. 

How can an entire blog be devoted to gravy? How can he find unique ways to describe his experiences? Can various gravies really taste that different from one another? All I can say is that he has answers for all of these questions. And you should see for yourself


by Liz Heather in ,

NOTE: If you don't have any siblings, I recommend that you leave this post. It'll only make you feel worse about being an only child.

Now, the rest of you: DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LUCKY YOU ARE TO HAVE A SIBLING?! I really hope you do. Here are mine.

Robbie & Gary

I think I've been overly in love with my brothers for about... 14 years or so. It started when I was around 16 years old and they suddenly started treating me like a real person. I used to think of them as polar opposites for some reason (I think that idea was based on the kind of music they liked?) and that I was the link between them that would bring us all together. Kind of a self-centered thought, but it made sense to me at the time. 

In any case, there were years when I was closer to one of them and then years when I was closer to the other. This went on for awhile until finally coming to the present day where I like to think we're all in a wicked place with one another. I don't know what kind of person I'd be without them and I'm not sure they even know how strongly I feel about us all.

Actually, I think they know. I'm pretty vocal about that kind of stuff.

What the hell is my point here? I guess it's that I hope you're close with your siblings. And if not close, then I think it's good to have some kind of communication with these people who share so much of your past. I pride myself on not judging people too swiftly, but if I ever come in contact with someone who tells me they have a bad relationship with one of their siblings? Yikes. I almost immediately write them off. Is that wrong? 'Cause I can't stop that feeling.

It's kind of a (previously unspoken, now public) dream of mine that one day when me and my brothers are all married and old and all of our wives and husbands have passed away, then me, Gary and Robbie can live in a house together again. If that can somehow happen, I'll lose my mind I'll be so happy.

Anyway, this was a lot of rambling. Can we just consider this post to be a PSA about maybe giving your brother or sister a call to see what's up?

Coin Purse Photos

by Liz Heather in , ,

If you're a sentimental and/or loving human being, you likely have photos of your loved ones in your wallet. Wait, maybe you don't. I just realized that maybe people only keep photos of their loved ones on their phones these days - and if that is the case, I guess that's fine, too. But if you are amongst the few who prefer a hard copy to carry around, you know that there's a limited amount of space for those coveted plastic cover spots. 

Tip of the day? Use your coin slots for extra photo storage like I do!

Nieces being pretty.

Also, since you don't see the photo all the time, it's an added little treat to see every time you need change.

Tip of the Day - Family Videos

by Liz Heather in ,

I know that I won't shut up about how important it is to backup your computer and I'm sorry. But it's so important! The only real thing I would be worried about losing are the hundreds of family videos I've taken over the years. And even though they're already backed up on my one external hard drive, I've recently taken another step into assuring that those videos are safe for the future and it's so simple.

Upload them to YouTube! You don't need to worry about anyone else seeing them as long as you upload them and store them under "private" instead of "public." And they'll be there forever! And an even better idea (thanks Adele!) is to upload them as "unlisted" as opposed to private, so you can share the link with people who you want to see it. 

It also frees up so much space instead of just keeping them on your laptop. Is this kind of a dumb idea or am I the smartest person in the world for thinking of it? Get on this!