Winter List Revisited

by Liz Heather in

I'm always shocked when winter ends. Everyone complains about it so much that I think it'll never end because we all can't shut up about it, but here we are! Here's how my many things I actually did off of my winter list from December.

1. Drink a white Russian.

  • Didn't do it. Damnit! Every time I'd try to get myself psyched up to do it, I'd remember, "Ugh. All that cream, who needs it." Maybe some day!

2. Play board games with the family at Christmas.

  • Did it! And it was great.

3. Finally eat at Raclette in NYC.

  • Didn't do it. Excuse? You really need someone who's equally passionate about cheese to go to this place with.

4. Visit the new Oscar Wilde inspired bar.

  • Yikes, didn't do this one either. What's wrong with me? I need to make more attainable goals. And if you're sitting there thinking, "Jesus Liz, if one of your "goals" is to go to a fucking bar and you can't even do that, YIKES. Ya suck!" then, well, kindly please leave. 

5. Build a snowman.

  • Okay, so I didn't do this but I did witness it being done. I'm taking a half point.

6. Finally try whipped cream vodka in a hot chocolate.

  • Did it! It was just okay.

7. Successfully make a souffle for the first time.

  • Totally did it! With Marla! And it was magical as hell! Maybe the most impressive dessert I've ever made. It tasted as though a cake had a baby with a mousse and out came a souffle - and I'm not sure if that's what it was supposed to taste like, but it was pretty good to me. I also made a creme caramel for the first time, so maybe I should have more food based goals. 

8. Take at least five bubble baths.

  • Yes! I think I may have even taken six, so suck on that! (Why is this attitude happening? Not sure.)

9. Literally just sit and watch the snow fall.

  • Yes, of course. These are the types of activities that need to make appearances on all my lists, the easy ones that require little to no effort and give me an abnormal amount of pleasure.

10. Mail out holiday cards.

  • You bet your ass.

6.5 out of 10, whoa! That's better than I thought I'd do. Look at that! Spring list coming tomorrow!