Friend Reminders

by Liz Heather in

I like to tell you how to organize your life, I realize, and I'll probably never stop.

That being said, are you constantly forgetting things? I'm not talking about important things, those are easy to remember. But the lesser-important things like:

  • A restaurant you want to try with a specific friend
  • An episode of some show that you need to force someone to watch
  • An anecdote that only your mom will find funny
  • An idea of a birthday gift for your boyfriend
  • ETC.

How are you supposed to remember these tiny, somewhat-insignificant thoughts? Why, in list form, of course! I use the Note Pad app on my phone for things like this and it's entitled "Friend Reminders" and in it I list my friends (and some family members) names and I bullet point things underneath each name that I have to remember to do or say to them the next time I see them. Does that seem like too much effort? No. And it shouldn't. Doing this lets my brain relax and focus on other things. And I highly encourage you start one if you've ever had trouble remembering nonsense.

2015 Resolutions Revisited

by Liz Heather in

Remember the resolutions I made at the beginning of the year? Let's see how those went.

1. Read at least two books a season.

So I fell short of this goal by one measly book. That's on me. I'll do way better this coming year. 

2. Try two things off of Pinterest a month.

  • Not even close. I didn't keep track of all of the recipes I've tried, but it certainly wasn't close to two per month. Infact, I didn't care much for this resolution after all. Noted.

3. Apply to work stuff at least ten times a month.

  • Hahahah, NOPE!

4. Volunteer at least once a month.

  • Honestly, I think I volunteered twice this year. I'm a terrible person.

5. Do pilates at least five times a month.

  • January = 7 times
  • February = 7 times
  • March = 6 times
  • April = 3 times
  • May = 2 times
  • June = 6 times
  • July = 3 times
  • August = 3 times
  • September = 0 times
  • October = 0 times
  • November = 0 times
  • December = 2 times

Okay, so I sort of fell off my game towards the end of the year. But that doesn't mean that I still don't love this resolution and will likely repeat it for 2016. I actually really like those classes, as you may remember, so I really want to be more consistent this upcoming year. (As a sidenote, in 2014, I went to the gym 37% (137 days out of 365) of that year. In 2015? I went 86 days out of 365, so that's 23.5% of my year that was spent at the gym. A lot less than I went in 2014, but what can you do? I was really proud of that 37% from 2014, so I'll continue to gym it up and try to get in that bracket range next year. And honestly 23.5% is absolutely better than 0%, so I'm not really beating myself up over that one.)

6. Juice at least ten times a month.

  • January = 12 times
  • February = 11 times
  • March = 8 times
  • April = 3 times
  • May = 2 times
  • June = 4 times
  • July = 1 time
  • August = 4 times
  • September = 7 times
  • October = 0 times
  • November = 21 times (!)
  • December = 2 times

Okay, so my juicing was all over the place. When I remembered? That's when juicing happened. But I really want to be amazing at it this next year, especially since it's so ridiculously good for you. 

7. Stop falling into the Instagram butt trap.

  • I totally stopped! Success!

So those are my 2015 results. If any of that is boring to read, my apologies! I like to track my successes and my failures to see what I most need improvement on and maybe it'll inspire you to do the same with your own yearly goals. And if you're wondering how I track all of these things, you really should know by now

Winter List 2015

by Liz Heather in

This is how I feel about winter.

Everyone keeps telling me that this is going to be a mild winter, so I'm going to try as hard as possible to make that not so. Ya know, with my mind. So we shall see.

What will I do this winter? Oh, I don't know - maybe a little of this, a little of that. JUST KIDDING HERE'S THE LIST.

  1. FINALLY try to make cauliflower crust for a pizza. I've been wanting to do this forever and now that I have an oven and a pizza pan, I have no more excuses not to make one.

  2. Visit the Martha Stewart Café in Chelsea. It opened in March and I still haven't gone, which makes zero sense since I whole-heartedly support this woman.

  3. Finally visit Fraunces Tavern, the city's oldest building. I've been meaning to go here for years, I gotta get on this.

  4. Make homemade vanilla extract. I didn't even know you could do this until recently, definitely have to attempt it.

  5. Eat a By Chloe vegan burger. I keep seeing these open up around the city and I'm constantly told that they're as good as regular burgers, so I will eat one and tell you if people are lying.

Friend Anniversaries

by Liz Heather in ,

I'm not sure why friend anniversaries aren't as recognized as romantic ones, but I vow to change that. I guess they're less common because it's harder to pinpoint the exact moment upon which you became friends with someone. Thankfully, I met one of my closest friends Jenn when my brother Gary was visiting me, so I know the exact date and year - which happens to have been eight years ago today! 

We have taken many trips and videos together and I'm thankful as hell to have this fine woman in my life. 

If you care to see more of our videos (why would you? We're great!), you can find some of them over here. Happy Anniversary, my love!